June 28, 2024


Insta360 Invisible Selfie Stick Review

Welcome to our in-depth review of the Insta360 Invisible Selfie Stick and the New Version Extended Super Long 36cm to 3m Pro Carbon Fiber Invisible Selfie Stick by Brave Heart. In this post, we will explore the features, pros, cons, and user reviews of these two popular selfie sticks.

Insta360 Invisible Selfie Stick


  • Compatible with Insta360 ONE X, ONE X2, ONE R, ONE RS, and GO 2.
  • Extends from 28.5 cm to 120 cm.
  • Automatically invisible in 360 shots.
  • Lightweight and portable.
  • Easy-to-use and durable construction.


  • Perfect for immersive 360-degree photography.
  • Compact and easy to carry.
  • Seamless integration with Insta360 cameras.
  • Sturdy build quality.
  • Affordably priced.


  • Limited extension length compared to other models.
  • Compatibility limited to Insta360 cameras.
  • There are no additional features, like tripod integration.


Benefits of Using Invisible Selfie Sticks

Invisible selfie sticks are a revolutionary tool for photographers and videographers looking to capture immersive, unobstructed shots. One of the primary benefits is that the selfie stick becomes “invisible” in your footage, thanks to the advanced stitching technology used by 360 cameras. This results in cleaner, more professional-looking images and videos where the stick is completely hidden from view, allowing the viewer to focus on the scenery or subject.

Moreover, invisible selfie sticks provide unparalleled versatility. The extended reach allows for creative and dynamic angles that are otherwise impossible to achieve. Whether you are taking a selfie, a group photo, or capturing a vast landscape, these sticks enable you to explore a wide range of perspectives without the stick interfering in your shots.

In addition, they are highly portable and easy to use. Most invisible selfie sticks are designed to be lightweight and compact, making them convenient to carry around during travel or outdoor adventures. Their ease of use means that even beginners can quickly learn to operate them and start taking stunning 360-degree photos and videos.

Finally, the robust construction of these selfie sticks ensures durability and long-term use. Made from high-quality materials like carbon fiber, they can withstand rigorous use in various environments, providing reliability and stability for all your shooting needs.



User Reviews

  • “This selfie stick is a game-changer for my 360 shots. It really is invisible!” User A
  • “Great build quality and very portable. Works perfectly with my Insta360 ONE X2.” User B
  • “A bit short for some shots, but overall very satisfied with its performance.” User C



Image credit: Amazon

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New Version Extended Super Long 36cm to 3m Pro Carbon Fiber Invisible Selfie Stick



  • Extends from 36 cm to 3 cm.
  • Made from high-quality carbon fiber.
  • Compatible with Insta360 ONE X, ONE X2, ONE R, ONE RS, ONE, GO 2, and GO 3.
  • Lightweight yet durable design.
  • Invisible in 360 shots.

Image credit: Amazon


  • Extremely long extension for versatile shooting angles.
  • High-quality carbon fiber construction.
  • Wide compatibility with multiple Insta360 models.
  • It is very lightweight for its size.
  • Ideal for both professional and amateur photographers.


  • More expensive than shorter selfie sticks.
  • Can be cumbersome to carry when fully extended.
  • Requires careful handling to avoid bending or damage.

Image credit: Amazon

User Reviews

  • “The length of this selfie stick is impressive! Perfect for capturing unique angles.” User D
  • “Lightweight and durable. It’s worth the investment for serious photographers.” User E
  • “A bit pricey, but you get what you pay for in terms of quality and versatility.” User F



Image credit: Amazon

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Both the Insta360 Invisible Selfie Stick and the New Version Extended Super Long 36cm to 3m Pro Carbon Fiber Invisible Selfie Stick offer unique features and benefits. Depending on your needs, either of these selfie sticks could be a great addition to your photography gear.

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